For Memorial Day, Nate and I decided to head to maple lake (in Payson Canyon) for some fishing. We packed a picnic and packed our fishing poles and headed out. It was a wonderful day, and as long as the wind stopped blowing the temperature felt amazing. Nate cast out his line and caught a fish almost immediately, which was pretty frustrating to me and the other fishermen around us. Don't worry though, once I learned that only green power bait was working, I was able to cast a few fish of my own. The limit was 4 each, so we kept 4 each. Total I caught 5 fish and Nate caught 7, which I'd say is a pretty darn successful fishing trip for us. But more important was that we could bond and enjoy each other's company :)
My cute fiance and I :)
On the way home we saw some horses...
so we decided to stop so I could take some pictures of them...
and we fed them too...
They were beautiful.
It was a gorgeous day at the lake.

I am upset at Nate because he caught a fish on his first cast, after about 2 seconds in the water.
Here is that fish.
He's too cute for me to stay mad for too long.

Some of our fish in the water.
I caught one!
Ha! I caught 4 of those suckers, baby!
Nate didn't actually catch any on his fly ride, but wanted it in the picture anyway, cause it "looks cool"
My life
I can't wait to marry this goober in 17 days (and counting).